Thought-terminating Clichés

Thought-terminating clichés are phrases or sayings that are often used in conversation to end a debate or silence dissent without actually addressing the underlying issues. These clichés are typically short, definitive statements that discourage critical thought and meaningful discussion. They can be effectively used to dismiss dissent or justify fallacious logic by shutting down further dialogue. Here's a deeper look at their characteristics and examples:
  1. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

Prefers current possessions over potential gains, discouraging risk.

2. A penny saved is a penny earned

Highlights frugality without considering opportunities for investment or growth.

3.A stitch in time saves nine

Suggests that immediate action will prevent more extensive problems, possibly rushing decision-making

4. A watched pot never boils

Comments on the feeling that waiting for something makes it seem longer, potentially discouraging patience

5. Absence makes the heart grow fonder

Romanticizes distance or separation, potentially ignoring its challenges

6. Actions speak louder than words

Prioritizes deeds over discussions or promises, potentially dismissing the need for communication

7. Agree to disagree

Often used to end a debate without resolving differences

8. All in good time

Suggests patience without addressing timelines or urgency, dismissing immediate concerns

9. All’s well that ends well

Justifies processes by their outcomes, regardless of the methods used

10. An apple a day keeps the doctor away

Simplifies health advice, possibly overlooking comprehensive health needs

11. At the end of the day

Used to signify a conclusion or sum up a discussion, often skipping over unresolved points

12. Back to square one

Starting over, which can imply futility of previous efforts

13. Barking up the wrong tree

Accusing someone of misunderstanding a problem or situation, potentially stopping further inquiry

14. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Suggests that perceptions of quality or value are entirely subjective, dismissing objective standards

15. Beauty is only skin deep

Suggests that physical appearance is superficial, sometimes used to discourage discussions on aesthetics or body image

16. Beggars can’t be choosers

Used to tell someone in need they should accept what they get without complaint

17. Better late than never

Justifies delays, potentially minimizing the impact or inconvenience caused

18. Better safe than sorry

dvocates for cautiousness at the expense of potentially beneficial actions, used to end risk-related debates

19. Bite the bullet

Suggests enduring something unpleasant without complaint, potentially discouraging seeking alternatives or voicing discomfort

20. Blood is thicker than water

Emphasizes family loyalty, sometimes used to dismiss the validity of external relationships or conflicts within the family

21. Boys will be boys

Often used to dismiss inappropriate behaviors by males as natural or inevitable

22. Break a leg

A way to wish good luck, especially in theater, without addressing preparation or skill

23. Burning the midnight oil

Working late into the night, sometimes used to glamorize overworking

24. Can’t win them all

Encourages resignation after a failure or loss, without examining potential lessons

25. Catch-22

Describes a no-win situation or a problem whose solution is prevented by the circumstances of the problem itself

26. Caught between a rock and a hard place

Facing two difficult options, potentially discouraging looking for a third option

27. Change is the only constant

Used to normalize disruption or transition without addressing its effects

28. Charity begins at home

Used to prioritize personal or familial needs over external charitable actions, potentially discouraging broader altruism

29. Cleanliness is next to godliness

Elevates hygiene or order to a moral imperative, possibly ignoring circumstances that limit such possibilities

30. Cross that bridge when you come to it

Advises against planning for or discussing future problems until they are immediate

31. Curiosity killed the cat

Warns against inquisitiveness or exploration, suggesting danger in seeking knowledge

32. Deal with it

Demands acceptance of a situation without offering a solution or sympathy

33. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

Promotes ethical behavior but can be used to avoid discussing nuances in moral situations

34. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you

Warns against actions that could upset beneficial relationships, possibly discouraging legitimate critique or negotiation

35. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.

Warns against planning based on uncertain outcomes, often stopping discussion of future steps

36. Don’t cry over spilled milk

Advises against lamenting over past mistakes or losses, possibly discouraging learning from them

37. Don’t fix what isn’t broken

Discourages reconsideration or improvement of systems or methods that seem to work adequately

38. Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill

Used to suggest someone is exaggerating or overreacting to a minor issue

39. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket

Advises diversification of risk, sometimes used to discourage focus or commitment

40. Don’t reinvent the wheel

Discourages innovation by suggesting that existing solutions are adequate

41. Don’t rock the boat

Advises against questioning or challenging the status quo

42. Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater

Warns against rejecting the valuable along with the undesirable, but can deter necessary reform

43. Down to the wire

Something coming to its conclusion with little time to spare, often rushing the decision-making process

44. Easier said than done

Acknowledging difficulty in executing a plan, which can discourage action

45. Easy as pie

Implies that something is very simple, potentially minimizing the skill or effort required

46. Easy come, easy go

Reflects a nonchalant attitude towards gaining or losing something, discouraging deeper consideration of the issue

47. End of story

Used to assert the finality of a statement and preclude further discussion or argument

48. Every cloud has a silver lining

Encourages looking for positives in bad situations, potentially minimizing real problems

49. Every dog has its day

Offers consolation that everyone gets their chance eventually, which can dismiss current grievances or aspirations

50. Every man for himself

Advocates for individualism in crisis, discouraging cooperative or communal solutions

51. Every penny counts

Stresses frugality, potentially minimizing the importance of investing or spending when necessary

52. Everything happens for a reason

Implies that events are predestined or fated, discouraging further inquiry into causes

53. Facts speak for themselves

Claims objectivity in situations where interpretation often plays a key role, discouraging further analysis

54. Fair exchange is no robbery

Used to justify transactions that might not be fair, dismissing concerns about equity

55. Faith moves mountains

Attributes success to belief alone, potentially dismissing effort or practical strategies

56. Falling on deaf ears

Calls for focusing on practical details, potentially skipping over broader discussions.

57. Fight fire with fire

Advocates responding to aggression with aggression, possibly discouraging more thoughtful or measured responses

58. First come, first served

Justifies allocation based on timing, without considering needs or merits

59. Fit as a fiddle

Describes being in good health, potentially dismissing any underlying or non-obvious issues

60. Fortune favors the bold

Advocates for taking risks, potentially dismissing the value of caution

61. Get down to brass tacks

Focus on the essentials, which can sometimes lead to overlooking broader implications

62. Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile

Warns against generosity or flexibility, discouraging trust or compromise

63. Go the extra mile

Encourages doing more than what’s expected, sometimes used to encourage unnecessary effort

64. God works in mysterious ways

Dismisses the need for explanation or understanding of difficult situations

65. Good things come to those who wait

Advocates patience as a virtue in obtaining goals, potentially discouraging proactive action

66. Great minds think alike

Affirms agreement as a sign of intelligence or correctness, potentially overlooking the value of diverse opinions

67. He who laughs last laughs longest

Suggests eventual victory for those who endure, possibly ignoring ongoing struggles

68. Hindsight is 20/20

Implies that reflecting on past actions is easy and thus unhelpful for current decisions

69. Hit the nail on the head

Accurately identifying the problem or solution, sometimes used to stop further analysis as if nothing more needs to be said

70. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it

Discourages improvement or questioning of something that currently functions, even if inefficiently

71. If it’s meant to be, it will be

Attributes outcomes to fate, discouraging proactive efforts or planning

72. Ignorance is bliss

Used to justify the lack of knowledge as a happier state, discouraging the pursuit of further information

73. Ignorance is strength

Suggests that lack of knowledge can sometimes be advantageous, often used ironically or critically

74. In the nick of time

Just barely on time, often glorifying last-minute efforts over proactive planning

75. It could be worse

Minimizes problems by comparing them to even greater potential disasters

76. It is what it is

Used to imply that the situation cannot be changed and must be accepted as is

77. It never rains but it pours

Comments on how problems often come together, which can be used to discourage looking for solutions

78. It’s a dog eat dog world

Implies a harsh, competitive environment, justifying aggressive or selfish behaviors

79. It’s a free country

Used to end discussion about the appropriateness or consequences of an action

80. It’s a matter of opinion

Implies that all opinions on the matter are equally valid, avoiding factual debate

81. It’s a moot point

Declares a topic irrelevant or not worth discussing

82. It’s a small world

Used to shrug off coincidences or minimize the significance of unexpected encounters

83. It’s all good

Minimizes any problems or negative aspects, suggesting they aren’t worth worrying about

84. It’s all in God’s hands

Attributes outcomes to divine control, sidelining practical or human-centered action or discussion

85. It’s all part of God’s plan

Used to discourage questioning by attributing events to divine intention

86. It’s all relative

Implies that situations are not objectively assessable, discouraging definitive judgments or actions

87. It’s all water under the bridge

Suggests that past conflicts or problems should not be revisited or are no longer relevant

88. It’s neither here nor there

Dismisses an issue as irrelevant or unrelated to the matter at hand

89. It’s not rocket science

Minimizes the complexity of a task or issue, implying it should be easy to understand or solve

90. It’s out of my hands

Claims lack of control or responsibility over the situation

91. Jack of all trades, master of none

Critiques versatility, potentially discouraging the development of a broad skill set

92. Just following orders

Absolves the speaker of moral responsibility by shifting blame to higher authorities

93. Keep calm and carry on

Encourages maintaining composure and continuing with one’s duties, often ignoring underlying stress or problems

94. Keep your eye on the prize

Focus on the goal, potentially ignoring the current issues that need attention

95. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer

Encourages wariness and strategic relationships, sometimes dismissing genuine engagement

96. Keep your nose to the grindstone

Encourages hard work without breaks, potentially discouraging balance or the consideration of efficiency

97. Kids will be kids

Similar to boys will be boys, used to dismiss children’s behavior as natural and unchangeable

98. Kill two birds with one stone

Encourages efficiency but might oversimplify the solution to complex problems

99. Knowledge is power

Asserts the value of information without discussing its application or the responsibility it entails

100. Laughter is the best medicine

Posits humor as a cure, potentially undervaluing medical or psychological treatments

101. Leave no stone unturned

To be thorough, but can be invoked to prolong decision-making unnecessarily

102. Let’s agree to disagree

Suggests ending a discussion where both parties maintain their differing views without further examination

103. Life goes on

Encourages moving forward without addressing current feelings or problems

104. Life isn’t perfect

Used to lower expectations or dismiss concerns about situations that could be improved

105. Life’s not fair

Used to dismiss concerns about justice or equity as naïve or unrealistic

106. Live and let live

Advocates tolerance or indifference, sometimes used to avoid addressing problematic behaviors

107. Look before you leap

Advocates caution, but can be used to instill fear of taking actions

108. Love conquers all

Asserts love as a universal solution, often ignoring practical or interpersonal challenges

109. Make hay while the sun shines

Take advantage of good conditions, sometimes used to rush actions without proper planning

110. Misery loves company

Suggests that unhappy people like to share their distress, possibly discouraging individual coping or resolution

111. Miss the forest for the trees

Warns against focusing too much on details at the expense of the overall situation

112. Money can’t buy happiness

Discusses the limitations of wealth, often to dismiss the problems of those without it

113. Money doesn’t grow on trees

Used to end discussions about spending or investing, emphasizing the need to be frugal without addressing the merits of the expenditure

114. Money is the root of all evil

Critiques materialism, potentially oversimplifying motivations behind human actions

115. Never look a gift horse in the mouth

Suggests that one should not be critical of gifts, dismissing concerns about quality or intent

116. No man is an island

Emphasizes human interdependence, sometimes used to discourage self-reliance or personal boundaries

117. No news is good news

Assumes that the lack of updates is a sign that situations are stable or problems-free, potentially overlooking underlying issues

118. No pain, no gain

Suggests that success requires suffering, potentially justifying harmful practices

119. No use beating a dead horse

Suggests that continuing discussion is futile as the issue is already decided or resolved

120. Old habits die hard

Suggests difficulty in change, often used to excuse continuing unhealthy or unproductive behaviors

121. On thin ice

In a precarious or risky situation, often used to warn against taking any action at all

122. Only God knows

Attributes the unknown or unexplainable to divine will, precluding further discussion

123. Only the good die young

Used to rationalize or trivialize the deaths of younger people without addressing underlying issues

124. Only time will tell

Similar to time will tell, it postpones any judgment or conclusion

125. Opposites attract

Used to explain or justify relationships without considering compatibility

126. Out of sight, out of mind

Encourages disregarding issues that are not currently visible or pressing

127. Out of the frying pan and into the fire

Describes moving from a bad to a worse situation, potentially discouraging action for change

128. Out with the old, in with the new

Encourages embracing change or newness, sometimes at the expense of valuing tradition or continuity

129. Par for the course

Suggests that a situation is normal or expected, discouraging complaints or attempts to change it

130. Patience is a virtue

Promotes waiting as inherently good, which can discourage taking necessary, timely action

131. Practice makes perfect

Implies that repetition alone leads to mastery, overlooking factors like innovation or adjustment

132. Que será, será

(What will be, will be) – Another phrase implying fate or destiny controlling outcomes

133. Respect is earned, not given

Conditions respect on behavior, potentially justifying disrespect based on subjective judgments

134. Right as rain

Indicates that everything is in good order, potentially dismissing underlying issues

135. Rome wasn’t built in a day

Advocates patience in development, but can be used to excuse slow progress

136. Rules are rules

Ends discussion on why a rule should be followed or questioned

137. Saved by the bell

Rescued from an unpleasant situation by a timely interruption, often used to avoid addressing the situation itself

138. Seeing is believing

Prioritizes physical or direct evidence over abstract or circumstantial evidence, possibly dismissing valid but not immediately visible concerns

139. Shoot for the stars

Encourages high ambitions, but can be used to dismiss realistic planning or potential obstacles

140. Silence is golden

Advocates for silence as preferable to communication in some situations, potentially suppressing expression

141. Speak of the devil

Often said when someone appears just as they are mentioned, dismissing the coincidence without engagement

142. Steer clear

Warns to avoid something, potentially discouraging necessary confrontation or investigation

143. Straight from the horse’s mouth

Information comes from the most authoritative or credible source, possibly used to stop verification or further questioning

144. Such is life

Resigns to the circumstances as inevitable, discouraging attempts to change or challenge the status quo

145. Take it or leave it

Presents a final offer, discouraging negotiation or further discussion

146. Take it with a grain of salt

Suggests skepticism but can be used to undermine genuinely credible information

147. That’s just semantics

Dismisses the importance of words or the nuances in discussion

148. That’s just your opinion

Implies inherited traits or behaviors are unchangeable, dismissing individual differences.

149. That’s life

Another way of expressing resignation to the way things are

150. That’s the nature of the beast

Implies that the inherent nature of something cannot be changed

151. That’s the way the cookie crumbles

Accepts outcomes as inevitable, regardless of fairness or desirability

152. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree

Suggests inevitability in traits or behaviors based on lineage, dismissing individual agency

153. The ball is in your court

Claims a situation offers all possible advantages without acknowledging potential compromises or downsides

154. The best of both worlds

Implies inherited traits or behaviors are unchangeable, dismissing individual differences.

155. The bigger they are, the harder they fall

Highlights the importance of small things but can be used to deter from taking action due to perceived complexities

156. The devil is in the details

Highlights the importance of small things but can be used to deter from taking action due to perceived complexities

157. The early bird catches the worm

Advocates for early action as inherently superior, discouraging consideration of timing and strategy

158. The grass is always greener on the other side

Encourages inclusion but can be used to overlook the drawbacks of too large or unwieldy groups

159. The more the merrier

Implies inherited traits or behaviors are unchangeable, dismissing individual differences.

160. The pen is mightier than the sword

Elevates the power of writing or communication, sometimes to the exclusion of action

161. The pot calling the kettle black

Accuses someone of hypocrisy, often ending discussions about behavior or ethics

162. The road to hell is paved with good intentions

Critiques actions based on outcomes rather than motivations, discouraging good deeds

163. There are plenty of fish in the sea

Encourages moving on from relationships or opportunities without acknowledging feelings of loss or failure

164. There’s a time and a place for everything

Used to dismiss behaviors or discussions as inappropriate without considering their importance

165. There’s no I in team

Romanticizes home as the ultimate comfort zone, possibly discouraging exploration or change

166. There’s no place like home

Discourages discussion about past events or mistakes that cannot be undone

167. There’s no use crying over spilled milk

Discourages discussion about past events or mistakes that cannot be undone

168. This is the way we’ve always done it

Used to resist change or new ideas by appealing to tradition

169. This shall pass too

Reminds that current difficulties are temporary, potentially minimizing the urgency or impact of the situation

170. This too shall pass

To give up, often suggested to discourage further effort or resistance

171. Throw in the towel

Implies inherited traits or behaviors are unchangeable, dismissing individual differences.

172. Time flies when you’re having fun

Comments on the perception of time but can trivialize concerns about wasting time

173. Time heals all wounds

Suggests that passage of time alone resolves emotional or physical injuries, avoiding active coping strategies

174. Time is money

Equates time strictly with monetary value, possibly undermining activities that don’t produce immediate financial return

175. Time will tell

Suggests that the outcome or truth will eventually become clear, discouraging immediate analysis

176. To cut a long story short

Prefaces a summary that might omit important details, potentially oversimplifying complex situations

177. To each their own

Suggests that personal preferences should not be debated or scrutinized

178. Tomorrow is another day

Promotes postponement of action or decision, emphasizing future opportunities over present ones

179. Too little, too late

Dismisses efforts that are seen as insufficient or untimely without considering their potential impact

180. Too many cooks spoil the broth

Warns against too much input or collaboration, potentially discouraging teamwork

181. Two heads are better than one

Promotes collaboration without considering the quality or compatibility of the contributors

182. Up in arms

Describes strong opposition or anger, sometimes used to delegitimize concerns as irrational

183. Variety is the spice of life

Used to justify changes or choices without discussing their benefits or drawbacks

184. We will just have to wait and see

Delays any immediate analysis or decision-making, often avoiding the issue entirely

185. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it

efers planning or decision-making, potentially leading to unpreparedness

186. We’re not here to talk about that

Shifts focus away from a topic without addressing it

187. We’ve got bigger fish to fry

Prioritizes other issues as more important, dismissing the current topic

188. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger

Used to trivialize hardships without addressing their impact

189. What goes around comes around

Implies a belief in karma or inevitable retribution, used to dismiss the need for direct action

190. What will be, will be

Suggests predestination and discourages active engagement or attempts to alter outcomes

191. What’s done is done

Implies that the past actions cannot be changed and must be accepted

192. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander

Implies that what is suitable for one is suitable for all, ignoring individual needs or circumstances

193. What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander

Asserts that what is fair for one is fair for another, often used to dismiss nuances in individual situations

194. When in Rome, do as the Romans do

Encourages conformity to local norms, discouraging individual judgment

195. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade

Encourages acceptance and positivity without addressing the cause of adversities

196. When push comes to shove

When things get critical, implying necessity will drive the proper actions without planning

197. When the going gets tough, the tough get going

Promotes perseverance in adversity, sometimes ignoring when it’s wise to seek alternatives or withdraw

198. Who’s to say?

Implies that no definitive judgment can be made, often avoiding the issue

199. Win some, lose some

Implies inherited traits or behaviors are unchangeable, dismissing individual differences.

200. You can’t have your cake and eat it too

Suggests that it’s impossible to have all benefits without sacrifices, often ending discussions on achieving balanced solutions

201. You can’t judge a book by its cover

Advises against forming opinions based on appearances, though sometimes used to avoid deeper investigation

202. You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs

Justifies negative aspects of an action as necessary for achieving a positive outcome

203. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks

Suggests that change is impossible due to ingrained habits or age

204. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks

Suggests that older people or systems cannot learn new ways or change, discouraging efforts to teach or innovate

205. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar

Implies inherited traits or behaviors are unchangeable, dismissing individual differences.

206. You have to break a few eggs to make an omelet

Justifies sacrifices or damage as necessary for progress

207. You only live once

(YOLO) – Used to justify risky or questionable behaviors as worthwhile

208. You win some, you lose some

A variant on accepting outcomes without critical analysis or response

209. You’re barking up the wrong tree

Tells someone they are misguided in their efforts or inquiries, discouraging further pursuit

210. Your guess is as good as mine

Implies equal ignorance about an issue, discouraging further inquiry or research

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What do others have to say about Dr. Tamara MC?

Support Me & My Unicorn Pup

An image with the saying, "My Unicorn Terrier, Blazer."

Leave Dr. Tamara MC a tip to support her unicorn mission

Dr. Tamara MC's Wall of Icons

These incredible women have influenced Tamara as mentors from afar.

An image titled, Dr. Tamara MC's Wall of Icons. 70 women are included including Oprah, Ruth Bader, Princess Diana, Lady Gaga, Dolly Parton, Malala, and others.


How do you pronounce my name?

My name is pronounced:

“Tamara” like the sun will come out tomorrow.

“MC” like emcee, not McDonalds. 

My students often call me Doc MC, and you can too.

What is a Unicorn Activist?

Someone who believes in the magical strength of all girls, women, and female-identifying humans to live free in matriarchal magnificence.


And yes, I did make up this title. 

What's with all the pink? And Unicorns?

Pink is power. Unicorns represents our eternal search for magic. 

You deal with such a heavy topics but your website is so joyful. Why?

Joy is transgressive. Being joyful is activism.

“Joy and pain

Like sunshine and rain”

(From the lyrics of Rob Base.)

You mention girls and women. Are others welcome?



This is an inclusive space, and anyone who supports our mission is welcome.

What's up with the Barbie theme?

I’ve loved Barbie since I was a little girl. She was able to do all the things I dreamed of before I was physically able. 


Barbie was my girl way before the movie premiered.

What do cults and unicorns have in common?

Absolutely nothing. That’s exactly why unicorns are the symbol of my brand and my website. Unicorns stand for freedom. 

An image with the saying, "May purple be with you."