Dr. Tamara MC's a Contributor to Over 60 Outlets

Unicorn Essay Matchmaking
Bring an essay, two, or three and Dr. Tamara MC will activate her unicorns to help you find the perfect home to place your magical work. If she knows an editor’s contact information, she will be happy to provide that too. This is a great way to get your essays published FAST unicorn-style.
Dr. Tamara MC has published more than 60+ articles and has learned the secret sauce to getting publish. Book a session today, so she can help you build a unicorn portfolio.
Unicorn Podcast Matchmaking
Are you excited to be a guest on a podcast? Let Dr. Tamara MC use her magical podcasting matchmaking services to find the right podcasts to feature you. You will work together to find themes in your writing that will make you a dream guest that hosts are willing to fly their unicorns over to find you.
Dr. Tamara MC has been a guest on over 25 podcasts episodes, and she looks forward to helping you find your dream venues.
Unicorn Memoir Sesh
Come to Dr. Tamara MC with all your writing problems, dilemmas, and questions. She will summon her unicorns to help you solve them. No problem is too big when the unicorns guide us.
Unicorn Writing Coaching
Let me and my unicorns stand by your side to cheerlead you through your writing project. Dr. Tamara MC will act as your coach endlessly supporting you, while also holding you accountable. You can be at the beginning stages of your project or in the latter phase. Regardless, you will hop on unicorns as a team to get you closer to your goals.

Dr. Tamara MC's review was featured on Tamron Hall!
Dr. Tamara MC's interview was most read!

Dr. Tamara MC was selected for a 2024 Arizona Commission on the Arts Grant and also for a Bill Desmond Nonfiction Writing Award

Beach Reads Recommendations

Mother's day Book Recommendations

Latino Book Recommendations

12 Summer-centric reads Recommendations

Buzzfeed Trending

Do you have a book coming out about coercive control or gender-based violence?
Please fill out the form if you would like Dr. Tamara MC to write a review or to interview you. Send an ARC if you have one.
Thank you so much for letting Dr. Tamara MC know about your upcoming book. She will respond if she has time in her schedule and feels your book is a good match for her audience.
Access Tamara's Writing Portfolios Below:

Dr. Tamara MC's Wall of Icons
These incredible women have influenced Tamara as mentors from afar.

My name is pronounced:
“Tamara” like the sun will come out tomorrow.
“MC” like emcee, not McDonalds.
My students often call me Doc MC, and you can too.
Someone who believes in the magical strength of all girls, women, and female-identifying humans to live free in matriarchal magnificence.
And yes, I did make up this title.
Pink is power. Unicorns represents our eternal search for magic.
Joy is transgressive. Being joyful is activism.
“Joy and pain
Like sunshine and rain”
(From the lyrics of Rob Base.)
This is an inclusive space, and anyone who supports our mission is welcome.
I’ve loved Barbie since I was a little girl. She was able to do all the things I dreamed of before I was physically able.
Barbie was my girl way before the movie premiered.
Absolutely nothing. That’s exactly why unicorns are the symbol of my brand and my website. Unicorns stand for freedom.
No! She has no training or certificates in these areas, just a lifetime of experience.