An image with the saying, "Here saguaro cacti bloom, humming birds sip sweet nectar, and road runners sprint across desert sand. Gussy up with your cowgirl hat and pink boots. The sun shines 360 days a year, so pick out your favorite heart-shaped sunglasses. Saddle up. Hop on your horse. Let's go for a sunset ride."
An image with the saying, "Here saguaro cacti bloom, humming birds sip sweet nectar, and road runners sprint across desert sand. Gussy up with your cowgirl hat and pink boots. The sun shines 360 days a year, so pick out your favorite heart-shaped sunglasses. Saddle up. Hop on your horse. Let's go for a sunset ride."
An image with the saying, "In Saguaros we trust"

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I'm available for speaking, consulting,teaching:

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Dr. Tamara MC's a Contributor to Over 60 Outlets

Check Out Dr. Tamara MC's Hot-Off-The-Press Articles

Check Out Dr. Tamara MC's Hot-Off-The-Press Articles

A Monstrous Boy

Want to listen to the article? Great–listen here! James laced a telephone cord around his mother’s neck and pulled until he asphyxiated her. I knew James since first grade. In fourth grade, he sat behind me in Ms. L’s class. He kicked my chair throughout the school year. My head bounced back and forth like […]

Return to Chautauqua: A Love Story 30 Years in the Making

Want to listen to the article? Great–listen here! When I was 21, I discovered Chautauqua Institution during a summer stay in a family cottage belonging to my sister’s boyfriend’s mother. My sister and I lived as residents in the charming summer home in upstate New York, part of the tradition where properties pass through families.  We were […]

Prince Garden Apartments’ Swimming Pool

Want to listen to the article? Great–listen here! Bubbe wrapped me in a towel, baked in the Arizona sun, draping herself in the same green-ratted robe she’d worn since my first memory. Worried I’d catch a cold, she jogged us home from the pool, sprinting upstairs to draw me a warm bath. “Get in, Mara, […]

The “I Love Lucy” Experience at Chautauqua Harbor Hotel

Want to listen to the article? Great–listen here! I cherished watching I Love Lucy with my Bubbe, lying side by side on her shag carpet as matzoh ball soup lingered in the air. Those evenings with Lucy’s polka dots and my grandmother’s love have stayed with me always. And why I wanted to experience “I love Lucy” […]

Small Bladder, Big Adventures: Navigating Travel With Frequent Rest Stops

Want to listen to the article? Great–listen here! Are you the kind of traveler who needs frequent rest stops? Then read one woman’s story of how she copes (and gets her buddies on the road to understand the situation). As I boarded my flight to El Paso, anticipating a group tour to Big Bend National […]

What do others have to say about Dr. Tamara MC?
What do others have to say about Dr. Tamara MC?

Support Me & My Unicorn Pup

An image with the saying, "My Unicorn Terrier, Blazer."

Leave Dr. Tamara MC a tip to support her unicorn mission

Dr. Tamara MC's Wall of Icons

These incredible women have influenced Tamara as mentors from afar.

An image titled, Dr. Tamara MC's Wall of Icons. 70 women are included including Oprah, Ruth Bader, Princess Diana, Lady Gaga, Dolly Parton, Malala, and others.


How do you pronounce my name?

My name is pronounced:

“Tamara” like the sun will come out tomorrow.

“MC” like emcee, not McDonalds. 

My students often call me Doc MC, and you can too.

What is a Unicorn Activist?

Someone who believes in the magical strength of all girls, women, and female-identifying humans to live free in matriarchal magnificence.


And yes, I did make up this title. 

What's with all the pink? And Unicorns?

Pink is power. Unicorns represents our eternal search for magic. 

You deal with such a heavy topics but your website is so joyful. Why?

Joy is transgressive. Being joyful is activism.

“Joy and pain

Like sunshine and rain”

(From the lyrics of Rob Base.)

You mention girls and women. Are others welcome?



This is an inclusive space, and anyone who supports our mission is welcome.

What's up with the Barbie theme?

I’ve loved Barbie since I was a little girl. She was able to do all the things I dreamed of before I was physically able. 


Barbie was my girl way before the movie premiered.

What do cults and unicorns have in common?

Absolutely nothing. That’s exactly why unicorns are the symbol of my brand and my website. Unicorns stand for freedom. 

Is Dr. Tamara MC a coach, counselor, psychologist?

No! She has no training or certificates in these areas, just a lifetime of experience. 

An image with the saying, "May Saguaros be with you."