My Lithuanian Holocaust Survivor Grandmother—

Want to listen to the article? Great–listen here! BEFORE: Hot water burbled in samovars. You strolled cobblestone streets, clicking your heels. DURING: You sipped grass soup. Dug the ditch for your murdered mother. AFTER: You slaved stitching stockings in sweatshops. My alcoholic grandfather cracked open your skull with a cast-iron skillet. You danced at Roseland Ballroom, smelling of bleach […]

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Tiny Love Stories: ‘What the Ukrainian Grandmothers Have Written’

Want to listen to the article? Great–listen here! My sons in Dhaka, Bangladesh, for their Aqiqah, an Islamic tradition. It is usually done when a child is seven days old, but it can be done until puberty. Symbols of Hope Every 30 or so years, Ramadan and Passover coincide. My mother is Jewish; my father is Muslim. […]

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