I wish everyone could smell a creosote bush just before a monsoon rain

Want to listen to the article? Great–listen here! My bike rides are my time to be with my Catalina mountains (which I’ve claimed as my own), the cacti, and the critters. I’m a desert baby, born and bred under the sunny southwest sky. For the past half-decade, I’ve ridden my bike nearly every day, on […]

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The Pleasure of Decaf Coffee

Want to listen to the article? Great–listen here! This is One Thing, a column with tips on how to live. I didn’t drink caffeine for the first 30ish years of my life. I began when I started writing my dissertation for my Ph.D., and started frequenting local coffee shops, where I’d do my work. I’d have […]

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6 Reasons Why I Fell in Love with Galveston

Want to listen to the article? Great–listen here! Ariel view of the Galveston Pier Photo Courtesy of Visit Galveston Galveston is packed with history, heartbreak, and a lot of good food and fun. From beaches to shopping on The Strand to visiting a pyramid, you’re also bound to fall in love with the 32-mile sandbar […]

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Holy Food by Christina Ward

Want to listen to the article? Great–listen here! Tamara MC, former cult member, interviews Christina Ward about Holy Food: How Cults, Commune, and Religious Movements Influenced What We Eat, An American History I grew up in a Sufi cult in Texas during the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Our diets were completely restricted. For years we […]

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How Chinese Chorizo Links These Immigrant Communities

Want to listen to the article? Great–listen here! A hybrid dish born out of solidarity has launched a food and arts movement. Feng-Feng Yeh became passionate about Chinese chorizo during the 2020 pandemic shutdowns. “Food is a carrier, a message to speak to people,” says Yeh, a multidisciplinary artist in Tucson, Arizona who previously worked as an executive […]

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Scoot Over Oat Milk; There’s a New Kid in Town—Potato Milk

A tuber-based alternative milk might be the latest contender Want to listen to the article? Great–listen here! In recent years, more and more nondairy milks have popped up on shelves and in local coffee shops. There are stalwarts like soy (the most popular), almond, and coconut, followed by more niche nut milks such as macadamia […]

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