I wish that, I hope that our President did not say:

Want to listen to the article? Great–listen here! “An extremely credible source has called my office and told me that Barack Obama’s birth certificate is a fraud” “Arianna Huffington is unattractive, both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man he made a good decision” “You know, it […]

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Want to listen to the article? Great–listen here! I’ve heard all these years about the bunks and their hardness. I’ve never felt them. I’ve only heard their stories. But, now I’m in a bunk, and I probably shouldn’t be here. I’m breaking rules as usual. I want to feel what this hard surface feels like […]

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Living the Glam Life

Want to listen to the article? Great–listen here! Hi, my name is Tamara, and I’m the owner of Glambulance, the prettiest darn ambulance you’ll ever meet. She’s a girl, and I call her Glamby for short. I bought Glamby on January 15, 2020, just before the pandemic officially began. However, before settling on an ambulance, I […]

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